Monday, February 22, 2010

Busy Week with a Happy Ending

This is my younger son, Syeed. He needs a haircut!

This past week was extremely busy. Besides my work schedule, picking up my two girls from school, and completing my usual mommy tasks, I went to see my youngest son's track meet on my only day off. It was good to see him. The last time I saw him was last month. Time sure flies when you get older.
He did well. He won his first race - 100 yard dash and placed last in his second race - 200 meter run. Despite the disappointment he felt for letting his team down, he was happy that he had done his best.

After his first race

In between my son's track meet and my daughter's charity event today, I lived the celebrity life in my not so small town. My business and lifestyle was a cover page feature in the local paper. Here's the link - It was nice to get the word out about my business and lifestyle. The fact that I am a bodybuilder and eat raw was very amazing to many people.

This is my daughter, Kiki handing out soup

Sunday I spent the day handing out soup samples for a special group of kids called "The Wild Dream Team". This group of college students decided to forgo their trip to the Bahamas and donate whatever money they raise for this trip to the earthquake victims in Haiti. Did I mention - all of these tudents have mental or physical disabilities!

Me and Kiki working together

The event I attended was called the Soup-er Bowl. Attendees paid a small fee to spend the afternoon tasting soups graciously donated by local restaurants. There was also a silent and live auction. The entire afternoon was fun. I don't know how much money they raised, but all of them were happy with the turnout.
What a week. Time to take a breath. Breathe in, breathe out. Until next time, thanks for reading my ramblings.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snowy Days, Lazy Nights

"This is my youngest daughter, Ayanna - photographer"

Winter has definitely let all of us know that she is here. Everywhere I look, I see the beautiful blanket of snow covering the ground. Although I love, love, love the snow, it has made me lazy. With five weeks to go until my first competition of 2010, I have not gone to the gym in the past week. I have just been lazy. Yes I work, but that is not a good excuse. I wish it was.
So, I've decided to get back on track. Today after work I am headed to the gym. I will hang my head in shame as I pass the front desk and make my way to the elliptical room, then the weight room. I have promised my body an amazing workout as it is way overdue. I can't wait until tomorrow when I will feel the results of this session. I can actually hear my body thanking me. This will make my trainer happy.
As I write this blog, I am enjoying yummy raw oatmeal with fruit and granola. Sorry, there aren't any pictures. I ate it before I could thought about pictures. I will make it again tomorrow, it is my daily indulgence in the morning, take pictures and post the recipe.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day. I enjoyed mine with my sweetie. We slept in late (shame on us) and enjoyed a late breakfast - an omelet with cheese, onions and mushrooms for him (he does not eat raw) and fruit with lemon zinger tea for me. Dinner for him was turkey meatloaf, wild rice and a baked sweet potato and for me a delicious Caesar Salad. I will post pictures and the recipe at a later date.
Since I began this blog with talk about snow, I believe I should end it with pictures my youngest daughter took last week. More snow is coming out way tonight!
"Snowy picture outside my window"

"Icicles on our bushes"

Until the next time,
Keep Peace in Your Heart!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Winter in Central Pennsylvania

I moved to Central Pennsylvania sixteen years ago with four children, one was a nine-month old, in a blizzard. I was enlightened by the beautiful, white blanket covering my new home, but overwhelmed at how much blanket was covering my new home.
Many years have passed since that amazing event. We've had snow in our area since that blizzard, but nothing to match that amazing year. Now, 2010 seems to be threatening with another fabulous snow storm! Yes, let it snow.
Although I am excited about the snow, I am not excited about having to come up with new recipes to eat because produce is limited. Since I started eating raw, I have found many amazing recipes, but must wait until the weather gets warm because Central Pennsylvania just doesn't have what I need. I can't wait for Spring and the Farmer's Markets. So, since I have to make due, I have eaten many salads, but the one I love the most is Gretchen's Color Salad. That's the name my youngest daughter gave it. The recipe is under the picture. Enjoy!

Gretchen's Color Salad
(there's really no exact measurements how much and how little is your choice)

Handful of mixed greens
Four slices of cucumbers, julienned
Four slices of zucchini, julienned
One carrot, chopped
1/2 cup of chick peas
1/2 cup of black beans
1/2 cup of sunflower seeds
One cup of tofu
(yes, some of this isn't exactly raw, but remember what I said about winters in Central Pennsylvania)

Put everything decoratively on a plate. Add a dash of pepper to taste.

Friday, February 5, 2010

About Me

Hi and welcom to my Blog! I am the amazing Raw Bikini Girl. I designed this blog to show non-believers that vegans, vegetarians, and raw foodist can be athletes without the "traditional" way of eating. I hope to show you how you can eat living foods and continue to be an amazing athlete or regular person.

Having been involved with living a healthy lifestyle for many years, I still managed to have days where I did not eat as healthy as I should. And over time I realized I was doing harm to my body trying to lose weight and being in the best shape possible with supplements and over training. I still had my health problems and many food allergies to boot. My body was not functioning as I knew it should and it was time to do something about it.

Then I found raw. It was exciting to find a whole new way to prepare and eat food. Eating raw foods is fun. I learn something new every day. Preparing raw foods is so much easier than measuring out portions and counting calories like I use to. Reading about raw, the wonderful benefits, and the principles behind this way of eating is so exciting for me.

I am loving raw. It is amazing. I've lost weight, have more energy than I have ever had and the best part - I am a much happier person. My health issues are no longer a problem and my food allergies have disappeared. I feel better amazing!

Eating well is one of the best gifts we can give ourselves. Did you know, sixty percent of our illness in this country is caused by the SAD (Standard American Diet). Our current way of eating is making us sick. Help me spread the word about eating raw. My blog will cover my adventures, recipes, and other rantings as I show non-believers ways to a more nutritional way of eating that doesn’t require giving up the flavor and beauty of food!